Moana Mystique
Moana Mystique comes from the southwest of China. Grown organically above 1200 metres from an ancient variety of tea plant that is nearly extinct. By bringing this tea to New Zealand we are helping it from disappearing altogether. Unlike the distinctive taste notes of a traditional Chinese green, this tea also has very pleasant hints of a Japanese sencha. The beautiful and mysterious ocean notes make this a very enjoyable middle of the day tea. However care with brewing times and temperatures is important. The tea farm itself can be traced back at least 600 hundred years with the current occupiers being there three generations.
Brewing times and temps: For best results infuse at 80°C for 2.15 mins. We use approx. 6 Grams to a two cup pot
50 grams will make a approx. 25 - 30 cups
100 grams will make approx. 50 - 60 Cups